
Shrieve Launches Asphalt Additives to European Market – an Organic Approach to Road Construction

Shrieve is proud to announce the official launch of its PROGILINE® ECO-T range, three cutting-edge Organic Asphalt Additives to the European market. With a steadfast commitment to exceptional chemistry and environmental consciousness, we present an organic approach to revolutionize road construction and mitigate the carbon footprint associated with this essential industry.

Shrieve’s Asphalt Additives Sales Manager EMEA, Isabelle Hill commented:

“For years, Shrieve has been a prominent supporter of the road construction sector in the USA, and now we are extending our expertise to the global stage. Our team of accomplished chemists, with over four decades of experience in developing lubricants for the Heating and Air Conditioning industries, is now dedicating their expertise to innovating road construction methods.

“Constructing a road is a multifaceted endeavor fraught with complexities and challenges. Time constraints, potential traffic disruptions and environmental concerns, all contribute to the pressure faced by road constructors. Shrieve’s Asphalt Additives aim to alleviate these issues and redefine the construction landscape.”

Historically, the road construction process has often been marred by compromises in material quality and labor resources. The intricate interplay between location, traffic patterns, weather conditions, and the types of vehicles using the road further complicates matters. These challenges result in issues such as sub-standard materials, unsuitable aggregate ratios and eventual road defects that compromise both safety and longevity.

Key Benefits of Shrieve’s Asphalt Additives

Shrieve’s range of 100% organic, 100% solvent free additives, comprises three distinct products tailored for road construction. Shrieve is one of the only companies in the world to offer all three products in its portfolio. These additives offer a myriad of benefits that address the shortcomings inherent in traditional road construction methods:

PROGILINE® ECO-T ANTI STRIP ADDITIVE: This fully organic binder is designed to enhance adhesion between aggregates and bitumen, counteracting moisture effects and water ingress. By chemically reversing the polarity of the bitumen, it reduces frost damage, making roads more durable. This additive also compensates for lower quality aggregates or bitumen, ensuring a lasting and flexible road surface.

PROGILINE® ECO-T WARM MIX ADDITIVE: By enabling mixing at lower temperatures, this additive extends the road laying season. The cooler mix not only reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions but also accelerates construction time, allowing roads to reopen within just an hour.

Adding Shrieve organic to the final products means that the asphalt exhibits a higher thermal diffusivity, resulting in accelerated heat absorption and reduced heat dissipation, thereby prolonging the cooling process. This innovation improves equipment longevity and overall road quality while providing a healthier working environment for construction crews.

PROGILINE® ECO-T COLD MIX ADDITIVE: An organic alternative to traditional patch additives, this cold asphalt patch remedy contains no hazardous substances. Offering flexibility in usage without restrictions, it reduces emissions and ensures worker safety. It’s compatible with a wide range of asphalt binders and aggregates and can be applied to wet surfaces and in cold weather without the need for primers. Additional benefits are that when adding Shrieve’s cold mix additives, the final product demonstrates excellent stability and elasticity when stored in bags over extended durations, with negligible impact on its performance characteristics.

Mark Burnett, Shrieve General Manager for the EMEA Region commented on the positive environmental impact the new additives would have on the industry:

“With Shrieve’s Asphalt Additives, the construction industry can look forward to a greener and more sustainable future. By reducing CO2 emissions, energy consumption, construction time, and waste while enhancing road durability, we are taking a significant step towards minimizing the environmental impact of road construction. These additives are not only a testament to our commitment to extraordinary chemistry but also our dedication to building a better world.

Incorporating Shrieve’s Asphalt Additives into road construction practices represents a pivotal shift in the industry’s approach to sustainability. By embracing an organic perspective and harnessing the power of cutting-edge chemistry, we can mitigate the challenges faced by the construction sector and lay the foundation for a more resilient, efficient, and environmentally conscious infrastructure.”

At Shrieve, we believe that extraordinary chemistry isn’t just about molecules – it’s about fostering collaboration between team members, suppliers, and our valued clients like you. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future, one road at a time.

For more information on Shrieve’s ground-breaking Asphalt Additives and how they can transform the road construction landscape and contributing to a sustainable future for generations to come please get in touch with our expert team:

Isabelle Hill, Asphalt Additives Sales Manager EMEA

Contact Isabelle Here: