Zerol AB

Zerol AB

Shrieve Chemical - Leading Chemical Supplier and Distributor Zerol Ab Can

ZEROL® Alkyl Benzene Refrigeration Lubricants

Shrieve is at the forefront of lubrication technology formulating synthetic ZEROL® AB alkyl benzene based lubricant solutions for the latest generation hydrocarbon and ammonia refrigerants.


Our foundation within specialty lubricants was established with the supply and marketing of ZEROL AB lubricants formulated for stationary refrigeration systems using traditional CFC (e.g. R12) and HCFC (e.g. R22) refrigerants.

Refrigerants such as CFC (eg. R12) and HCFC (eg. R22) have been employed for many years in the stationary segment as preferred refrigerants, prior to the widespread adoption of HFC types. Zerol Alkylbenzene products are a very widely approved and utilised R22 refrigerant oil with many global OEM approvals.


R22 refrigerant has been used globally across a wide range of stationary refrigeration and air-conditioning applications, not limited to domestic refrigeration and air conditioning but also across a very wide industrial applications where large-scale refrigeration/air conditioning is required. Wherever R22 is utilised, regardless of the specific industry, alkylbenzene may be efficiently utilised as the R22 compressor oil.

Their very low pour point, anti-foaming properties, and good stability at high temperatures provide optimum lubrication even under the most severe conditions.

In comparison with alternate lubricant technologies which may be employed with R22 refrigerant, such as mineral oils, alkylbenzene compressor oil offers preferential technical properties due to the synthetic nature of the product. Zerol AB offer good thermal stability with no tendency to produce waxes, varnishes, gums or residues, due to their synthetic composition. Additionally, they provide low pourpoints which provides handling benefits on low temperature regions compared to alternative R22 compressor oil options, and exhibit low foaming in the application when compared with other lubricant options for R22 compressors.


Shrieve also runs development programs with OEMs to formulate lubricant solutions for specific compressor and system designs. Please contact us for further information.

Whilst Zerol AB compressor oils have been historically used throughout the world for the “older” R22 HCFC systems, alkylbenzene continues to be considered as an affordable technology for utilisation with newer more environmentally friendly refrigerants such as hydrocarbon gases R290 and R600a. Shrieve is proactively engaged in development programs with leading compressor OEMs to develop new variations on traditional alkylbenzene products which meet the technical requirements of a range of the newer refrigeration systems under development.

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