Zerol PAG R717

Shrieve Chemical - Leading Chemical Supplier and Distributor Zerol

PAG Refrigeration Lubricants for Ammonia Refrigerant Systems

Shrieve’s ZEROL PAG R717 range are high-performance, water-soluble polyalkylene glycol (PAG) synthetic lubricants for R-717 (NH3) miscible refrigerant-based applications. They represent an extension to our natural refrigerant lubricant portfolio, including ZEROL 350 synthetic alkyl benzene (AB) lubricant for non-miscible R-717 systems.

ZEROL PAG R717 is available in five different viscosity grades to meet the requirements of a complete range of miscible R717 systems; such uses include ammonia screw compressors for industrial applications. ZEROL PAG R717 lubricants offer good miscibility, fluidity and stability. Owing to their copolymer molecular structure, these lubricants provide good lubricity, giving overall enhanced lubricant performance across a wide temperature range.

ZEROL PAG R717 lubricants are also H1 compliant for use where incidental food contact compliance is required (21CFR #178.3570).

Environmentally friendly, natural refrigerants are playing an increasingly important role within the HVAC&R industry. Shrieve has developed an entire range of synthetic lubricant solutions to these sustainable initiatives and research continues in this area.

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